Pioneer Archers
Shooting every Saturday morning from 07:00am. Please arrive early to assist with the setup of the field & equipment so we are not finishing to late in the day.

We are a fun loving club that likes to shoot a variety of bows every Saturday morning at 8am from Cecil Andrews sports oval. We welcome all types of archers, new shooters & old hands, in a vast group of ages & skill levels from 10 and up. Come & try with your own bow or one of the well maintained club bows.
Please arrive before 7:30am to help with setup. We recommend you bring your own seat, snacks & coffee. Toilets are available as is shade & healthy light harted banter.
Some of the TEAM
Jim Steers
Harry Anderson
President: TBA
Secretary/Webmaster: Dan Sansom

Enter from Seville Drive along green highlighted route.
Shooting is from the blue highlighted area & direction of fire is toward Bishop Close